Relationships. Friendship. The media. The world’s End. Work Relationships. Politics.
These everyday and universal themes are the ones we address in Sebastián Diestch’s second feature film, “From The Apocalypse”.

It is a black comedy made up of five stories. Five stories that take place within the background of a Zombie Apocalypse, will criticize our society from its main axes, customs and most deeply rooted traditions.

The pandemic that plagues the world while I am writing these words has completely resignified our film, which was already taking firm steps in a world that was not ending then. In December 2019 (yes, December 2019) it won the Coral award for best original script at the Havana Film Festival and previously the Blood Window feature film script contest in 2017 just to highlight a few.

Director: Sebastian Dietsch
Executive Producers: Araquen Rodriguez & Palmer Mitchell